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Ocean Water

The Algoa Marine Systems Analysis Tool (AlgoaMSAT) 

AlgoaMSAT is an exploratory framework and simulation model that uses system dynamics modelling (SDM) to facilitate and support MSP. SDMs incorporate temporal dimensions, and thereby can support MSP processes by evaluating changes in human use dynamics and interconnections, possible synergies and conflicts between human uses, as well as between human uses and requirements for marine health. As a management framework, the exploratory tool provides a holistic, cross-sectoral overview of human use dynamics in terms of sustainable management, and as a simulation model, it provides a platform for scenario and trade-off analyses in relation to sustainable use of the bay. Moreover, the framework and the model provide a communication tool, which can be used to facilitate collaborative stakeholder engagement and provide strategic guidance and decision-support to MSP. 

The model boundary of AlgoaMSAT consists of six sub-models. Five of these represent selected marine uses in Algoa Bay, whereas the sixth sub-model integrates the outputs from each marine use in terms of sustainable management outputs. 


An additional output of the AlgoaMSAT is the Visual User Interface (VUI). The VUI has been developed for the purpose of providing a ‘user-friendly’ portal to engage with the model, specifically for users who are unfamiliar with the method of system dynamics modeling or do not have access to the model software. Decision-makers or stakeholders can therefore investigate model scenarios by tweaking the inclusive model levers. The VUI can additionally be applied in a multi-sectoral stakeholder setting, whereby stakeholders in the different marine sectors can implement alternative management interventions and thereby compare scenarios. 


Access to model freely available here: 

This tool was developed as part of the PhD research of Estee Vermeulen, Nelson Mandela University

Contact the Algoa Bay Project for more info:


Pilot stakeholder engagement process that was hosted to support model formulation and verification of the AlgoaMSAT model

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